This content is about a vehicle sound mod called Realistic Vehicle Start Sounds. The mod adds ignition sounds from real cars to enhance the gaming experience. It can be installed using the .oiv file in OpenIV, and it is recommended to use the Mods folder. There is also a manual installation option explained in a video tutorial. The latest version, 1.1, includes new start and post start sounds for bikes and trucks, as well as new handbrake sounds. The mod was created by farusca and can be downloaded from the provided link.

You are currently viewing the content of Realistic Vehicle Start Sounds [OIV Add-On / FiveM] V1.1 GTA 5 Mod on the
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Realistic Vehicle Start Sounds [OIV Add-On / FiveM] V1.1

Realistic Vehicle Start Sounds

Adds ignition sounds taken from real cars with excellent quality.

-To install and Unistall per .oiv file just drag and drop the .oiv inside openIV

To Install and Uninstall manually, you need to export the reference file as openformat(.oac)
using openIV and replacing it with the sounds of the mod, in this video tutorial you can see a more detailed explanation:

//// 1.1 /////
-Added manual install and uninstall option
-Added news start and post start sounds for bikes 600cc and 1000cc
-Added news start sounds for all trucks
-Added post start sounds for all muscles
-Added new handbrake sounds

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Download mod

File File size
Realist Vehicle Start Sounds 1.1
71 MB

Tagged FiveM, Sound

Unfortunately, without having specific information about the other similar mods, it is difficult to provide a detailed comparison. However, I can provide you with a general comparison of the Table Realistic Vehicle Start Sounds [OIV Add-On / FiveM] V1.1 mod with other vehicle sound mods.

1. Sound Quality: The Table Realistic Vehicle Start Sounds [OIV Add-On / FiveM] V1.1 mod is known for its high-quality sound effects, which aim to replicate the realistic sound of vehicle engines. This mod may provide more realistic and immersive vehicle start sounds compared to other mods.

2. Compatibility: The Table Realistic Vehicle Start Sounds [OIV Add-On / FiveM] V1.1 mod is available as an OIV add-on for both single-player and FiveM, making it compatible with a wide range of platforms. It is important to check the compatibility of other mods with your specific platform.

3. Variety of Vehicles: This mod offers a wide range of realistic vehicle start sounds for various types of vehicles, including cars, motorcycles, trucks, and more. The variety of included sounds can enhance the overall experience of driving different vehicles within the game.

4. User-Friendly Installation: The Table Realistic Vehicle Start Sounds [OIV Add-On / FiveM] V1.1 mod uses the OIV installation method, which provides a user-friendly and straightforward installation process. This can be helpful for players who are new to modding or prefer a hassle-free installation experience.

5. Developer Support and Updates: It is important to consider the level of ongoing support and updates provided by the mod developer. Regular updates can ensure compatibility with future game updates and address any potential issues. You should check the mod’s page or forums to see if the developer actively supports and updates the mod.

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In summary, the Table Realistic Vehicle Start Sounds [OIV Add-On / FiveM] V1.1 mod stands out for its high-quality sound effects, compatibility with multiple platforms, variety of vehicle sounds, and user-friendly installation process. However, it is advisable to compare it with other similar mods based on your specific requirements and preferences.
Realistic Vehicle Start Sounds [OIV Add-On / FiveM] V1.1
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You are currently viewing the content of Realistic Vehicle Start Sounds [OIV Add-On / FiveM] V1.1 Gta V Mod on the
The article is compiled from the internet. Category: GTA 5 Misc Mods.